Daily Wire sports pundits Jake and Blain Crain and David Cone revealed their worst injuries sustained while on the set of “Lady Ballers” Wednesday evening.

The Crain And Co. trio traveled to Gainesville, Florida, to attend a screening of their sports comedy “Lady Ballers” at the University of Florida. The screening was hosted by the university chapter of Young America’s Foundation. In the days leading up to the event, leftist student activists at the university tried to erase advertising for the screening, claiming that the event was “against women.”

In a question-and-answer session after the screening, the hosts were asked about injuries they received on set. Blain went first.

“Probably the funniest one was with you,” he said, pointing at Jake. “I separated my shoulder on it. We got thrown through probably seven tables.”

“We got thrown through more tables than the stunt guys in both Road House movies,” Jake said as Blain compared the experience to WWE. Cone revealed that of all the tables broken throughout the movie, only one table-breaking scene was written into the original script.

“Only one table-throw scene was scripted, and Jeremy Boreing saw that thing and he said, ‘more, more physical comedy,’” Cone said.

Jake then revealed his most painful injury on set: an unscripted basketball to the groin.


“If you remember the scene in the movie where we are getting hit with the basketballs and I get hit in an area that’s awful to get hit at, that was totally on accident,” Jake said.

“What was supposed to happen was Eric, who I love, our stunt coordinator … he was supposed to hit me in the face with the ball. And I’d already been hit in the face three times,” he continued. “He was throwing it full speed and hitting me in the face to the point where I looked at Jeremy one time and I was like, ‘Dude, I got like maybe one more of those.’”

“Eric’s like, ‘I got it. I got it.’ So I’m standing there like, alright, about to get hit in the face, and – he’s so close to me,” Jake said. “He throws and hits me there, and that is a natural reaction. That reaction was 100 percent real. Everybody gasped.”

Blain chipped in: “It was so fun to watch.”

Jake said he was in so much pain, he had to “army crawl” away from set to recover.

“That saddest part of the whole deal was when I was crawling away and I looked to my brother to help and he is laughing almost to tears,” Jake said, “and he looks at Eric and goes, ‘Man, you’re a great shot.’”

Cone’s was not a blooper, but more of a testament to the grit and dedication the podcasters showed to completing the sports comedy.

“Mine’s not that cool. I just fractured my finger before filming, and then we shot for 30 days. It didn’t get a chance to heal. So, they were just like, ‘Hey, your finger is just like this now,’” Cone said.

“Crybaby,” Blain quipped.

The hosts also discussed the negative impact of transgender ideology and the inclusion of biological males in women’s sports. Cone said that the ultimate end of men competing in women’s sports is the end of women’s sports.

“The elimination of women in sports would be a net negative for us as a society. And that’s the ultimate culmination of allowing men to compete in these spaces. The bifurcation based off sex is one of the most basic ways to categorize in sports,” Cone said.

.@davidadamcone: “The elimination of women in sports would be a net negative for us as a society. And that’s the ultimate culmination of allowing men to compete in these spaces. The bifurcation based off sex is one of the most basic ways to categorize in sports.” @realDailyWire pic.twitter.com/njz0PjrjdM

— YAF (@yaf) April 10, 2024


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